Nov 22, 2007


Background: Anisocoria, or unequal pupil sizes, is a common condition. The varied causes have implications ranging from life threatening to completely benign.

Pathophysiology: Various pathophysiological processes can cause anisocoria. However, pupil size depends upon the effects of the autonomic nervous system and the iris muscle.

The parasympathetic system constricts the iris, while sympathetic channels dilate the iris. The sympathetic system begins in the hypothalamus, descends through the brain stem (including the lateral medulla) and into the cervical cord to synapse in the ciliospinal center of Budge-Waller at the C8-T1 level. The second-order neuron then exits the C8-T1 nerve root, travels over the lung apex, and ascends to the superior cervical ganglia with the carotid artery. The third-order neuron leaves the superior cervical ganglia to ascend with the internal carotid artery through the cavernous sinus, where fibers destined for the pupil dilator and the Mueller muscle of the eyelid travel with the trigeminal nerve. Fibers destined to modulate sweating of the face travel with the external carotid artery. The parasympathetic fibers begin in the Edinger-Westphal subnucleus of cranial nerve III in the midbrain. Parasympathetic fibers destined for the iris sphincter travel with the oculomotor (cranial III) nerve.


  • In the US: Anisocoria is common, although no overall prevalence statistics are available. The incidence and prevalence data for anisocoria depend on the specific pathophysiology.

Mortality/Morbidity: Mortality and morbidity rates associated with anisocoria depend entirely upon the specific pathophysiology.

  • Several causes of anisocoria are life threatening, including Horner syndrome with carotid dissection or third nerve palsy due to aneurysmal expansion or rupture.
  • Other causes of anisocoria are completely benign (eg, simple or physiologic anisocoria), although the evaluation of these disorders may produce morbidity inadvertently.
Medical Care: Depends upon the underlying pathophysiology

Surgical Care: Depends upon the specific etiology

Consultations: Depends upon the underlying cause. Compressive third nerve palsies may require neurosurgical intervention, while ophthalmologists may be helpful in other causes of anisocoria.

Activity: Depends upon the specific etiology

Drugs used in the diagnosis of anisocoria include cocaine, hydroxyamphetamine, and pilocarpine (0.1-1%).
Drug Category: Topical anesthetic agents -- This agent is used for diagnostic testing to detect Horner syndrome.
Drug Name
Cocaine 4-10% (ophthalmic solution) -- Prevents norepinephrine reuptake and accordingly dilates eye with intact sympathetic nervous system supply. Decreases membrane permeability to sodium ions, which, in turn, inhibits depolarization and blocks conduction of nerve impulses.
Adult Dose1-2 gtt 4-10% OU
Pediatric Dose1 gtt 4% OU
ContraindicationsDocumented hypersensitivity
InteractionsIncreases toxicity of MAOIs
Pregnancy C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been established.
PrecautionsCaution in hypertension, severe cardiovascular disease, thyrotoxicosis; avoid use in traumatized mucosa and sepsis at region of intended application; do not inject; corneal toxicity may result from overuse; urine drug screen will be positive for cocaine at least 24 h after use
<Drug Category: Cholinergic agents -- This agent is used for diagnostic testing related to tonic pupil (0.1% concentration) or pharmacologic dilation-induced anisocoria (1% concentration).
Drug Name
Pilocarpine 0.1 % (Isopto) -- Does not normally constrict pupil; however, with tonic pupil, produces miosis due to cholinergic supersensitivity. Constricts normal pupil or mydriatic pupil due to oculomotor palsy; however, after pharmacologic dilation (eg, atropinelike agents), pilocarpine has no miotic effects.
Adult Dose1-2 gtt OU
Pediatric Dose1 gtt OU
ContraindicationsDocumented hypersensitivity; acute inflammatory disease of anterior chamber; acute iritis; pupillary block glaucoma
InteractionsMay be ineffective when used concomitantly with NSAIDs
Pregnancy C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been established.
PrecautionsCaution in acute cardiac failure, peptic ulcer, hyperthyroidism, GI spasm, bronchial asthma, Parkinson disease, recent MI, urinary tract obstruction, and hypertension or hypotension; miosis may cause difficulty with dark adaptation and night driving
<Drug Category: Sympathomimetic agents -- Hydroxyamphetamine is useful diagnostically to test integrity of the third-order sympathetic neuron.
Drug Name
Hydroxyamphetamine (Paredrine) -- Dilates pupil if third-order sympathetic neuron intact, and fails to dilate pupil if third-order neuron impaired.
Adult Dose1-2 gtt OU
Pediatric Dose1 gtt OU
ContraindicationsDocumented hypersensitivity; narrow-angle glaucoma; anatomically narrow (occludable) angle without glaucoma
InteractionsBeta-blockers may cause systemic adverse effects; exaggerated adrenergic effects may result as long as 21 d after MAOIs (supervise and adjust dosage carefully)
Pregnancy C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been established.
PrecautionsCaution in hypertension, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, cardiovascular abnormalities, arteriosclerosis; rebound congestion may occur with frequent or extended use; rebound miosis may occur in older persons 1 day after phenylephrine treatment; reinstillation may produce reduction in mydriasis

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Background: Anencephaly is a serious developmental defect of the central nervous system in which the brain and cranial vault are grossly malformed. The cerebrum and cerebellum are reduced or absent, but the hindbrain is present. Anencephaly is a part of the neural tube defect (NTD) spectrum. This defect results when the neural tube fails to close during the third to fourth weeks of development, leading to fetal loss, stillbirth, or neonatal death.

Pathophysiology: In the normal human embryo, the neural plate arises approximately 18 days after fertilization. During the fourth week of development, the neural plate invaginates along the embryonic midline to form the neural groove. The neural tube is formed as closure of the neural groove progresses from the middle toward the ends in both directions, with completion between day 24 for the cranial end and day 26 for the caudal end. Disruptions of the normal closure process give rise to NTDs. Anencephaly results from failure of neural tube closure at the cranial end of the developing embryo. Absence of the brain and calvaria may be partial or complete.

MTHFR) has been shown to be associated with the risk of NTDs; however, the overall effect is relatively weak. A variety of environmental factors appears to be influential in the closure of the neural tube. Most notably, folic acid and other naturally occurring folates have a strong preventive effect. Folate antimetabolites, maternal diabetes, maternal obesity, and hyperthermia in early development have been identified as stressors that increase the risk of NTDs, including anencephaly.


  • <In the US: Average birth prevalence of anencephaly is approximately 1.2 per 10,000 births, with a gradient of increasing frequency from the West Coast to the East Coast. The frequency during pregnancy is considerably higher than the birth prevalence, with estimates as high as 1 case per 1000 pregnancies. Such pregnancies often end in early pregnancy loss, spontaneous abortion, fetal death, or pregnancy termination. Within the United States, South Carolina has historically reported the highest birth prevalence of NTDs, with a rate that has been approximately double that of the national average. The rate of NTDs in South Carolina has fallen dramatically over the past decade following the introduction of aggressive campaigning for periconceptional folic acid supplementation, fortification of wheat flour, and increased periconceptional vitamin supplementation. The reason for a higher occurrence of NTDs in South Carolina compared with other areas of the country is not known.

  • Internationally: Considerable geographical variation in NTD rates exists, with noted hotspots in Guatemala, northern China, Mexico, and parts of the United Kingdom.

Race: Hispanic and non-Hispanic whites are affected more frequently than women of African descent.

Sex: Females are affected more frequently than males.

Age: Anencephaly is determined by the 28th day of conception and is therefore invariably present at the time of birth.

Medical Care: Because anencephaly is a lethal condition, heroic measures to extend the life of the infant are contraindicated. The physician and medical care team should focus on providing a supportive environment in which the family can come to terms with the diagnosis and make preparations for their loss.
  • Families not aware of the diagnosis of anencephaly prior to birth or for whom the diagnosis is still fresh probably will need extra emotional support and possibly grief counseling. Families who have had some time to adjust to the diagnosis prior to delivery and who have had an opportunity to begin the grieving process ahead of time may seem well prepared, but they also will need adequate time to grieve and come to closure. The presence of family, friends, or clergy may be helpful in many cases.
  • Families often want to hold the baby after delivery, even if the baby is stillborn, and families wanting photographs of the baby with the family are not unusual. A cap or head covering of some sort is useful to minimize the visual impact of the malformation. Some families want to see the lesion, and this may help to dispel mental pictures, which are often worse than the actual malformations. In most cases, direct personal contact with the baby may help the parents to actualize the medical information they have been given and may help in the process of grief resolution.
  • If parents have chosen a name for the baby, they may be comforted if the doctor refers to the baby by name.
  • Feelings of guilt are normal responses of parents of a baby with serious birth defects. The involvement of genetic counselors, if available, may be particularly useful to parents in this situation because of their experience in dealing with a wide range of birth defects.
  • With timely prenatal diagnosis of this lethal disorder, the option of pregnancy termination should be presented to the couple. For couples who elect to continue the pregnancy, the possibilities of preterm labor, oligohydramnios, failure to progress, and delayed onset of labor beyond term also should be discussed.
  • Families commonly inquire about organ donation after the diagnosis of anencephaly. This cannot practically be arranged without crossing the lines of ethical care. Patients should be affirmed in their desires to see something meaningful come from the tragedy of having a pregnancy affected with anencephaly.

Consultations: Every couple with a child who has anencephaly should consult with a geneticist and/or a genetic counselor in order to obtain information regarding recurrence risks, prevention, screening, and diagnostic testing options for future pregnancies and to assess the family history. Ideally, a genetic counselor should be consulted prenatally and should remain involved, as needed, until the family comes to closure after the conclusion of the pregnancy.

Diet: Folic acid supplementation and/or a folate-enriched diet prior to and during future pregnancies are recommended. Obtaining enough folates from diet alone to effectively prevent recurrences in future pregnancies is extremely difficult.

Pharmaceutical interventions are not used in cases of anencephaly.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Background: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a devastating disorder of the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord and the motor cranial nuclei that leads to progressive muscle weakness and atrophy. Although major recent advances have shed light on its etiology, the key mechanisms in both familial and sporadic ALS remain unknown. No cure is known. This article reviews the major breakthroughs in ALS research, the clinical aspects of the disease, and current therapeutic options. An outline of new and promising technology and its application to the understanding of ALS is presented.

Pathophysiology: ALS primarily involves anterior horn cells in the spinal cord and cranial motor nerves. Patients may have weakness of bulbar muscles or of single or multiple limb muscle groups. Presentation is not always bilateral or symmetrical. A predominantly bulbar form usually leads to more rapid deterioration and death. Limb weakness is predominantly distal. Weakness and atrophy of the intrinsic hand muscles are prominent. Weakness progresses to involve the forearms and shoulder girdle muscles and the lower extremities.

Involvement of both upper and lower motor neurons is characteristic. Patients develop variable hyperreflexia, clonus, spasticity, extensor plantar responses, and limb or tongue fasciculations. Wallerian degeneration of corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts may be demonstrated by MRI (high-intensity T2 lesions in frontal lobes) or in postmortem examination. Extraocular muscles and bladder and anal sphincter muscles typically are spared.

ALS rarely affects cognitive functions. Electromyogram (EMG) shows signs of diffuse denervation with generally preserved nerve conduction velocities. Although an inflammatory process may be present, new evidence points toward multiple mechanisms that promote neuronal cell death in the CNS as the underlying basis for ALS. The recent demonstration of superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) mutations in human familial ALS and in murine ALS models supports the view that oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and excitotoxicity pathways may be involved in the process of neuronal cell death.

A lack of trophic factor support has been hypothesized, as some authors have reported decreased insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in patients with ALS. Aberrant RNA processing in sporadic ALS is thought to lead to abnormal expression of glutamate transporter (EAAT2) variants in the spinal cord. Despite multiple searches for infectious causative agents, no definitive viral or bacterial etiology has been identified.

ALS can be part of a complex with parkinsonism and dementia (ALS/PDC complex). This variant can be seen in patients from southern Guam. An ALS-like motor neuron disease also can be seen as a paraneoplastic syndrome in patients with cancer.

The complexity of ALS pathogenesis is highlighted by the recent discovery that alsin, a molecule putatively involved in cell-signaling, may be affected in a subset of familial ALS cases.

Autoimmunity may play a role in ALS. T cells, activated microglia, and immunoglobulin G (IgG) within the spinal cord lesions may be the primary event that leads to tissue destruction. Supporting this hypothesis, IgG derived from ALS patient sera may affect the conductance of neuronal voltage-activated calcium channels and may induce an excessive release of glutamate from nerve endings. The presence of immune complex formation in spinal cords of patients with ALS also has been demonstrated.

The El Escorial World Federation of Neurology criteria are helpful in diagnosis. Careful clinical history-taking is essential in making the correct diagnosis. For instance, Lyme neuroborreliosis on rare occasions may mimic an ALS-like syndrome.

Intravenous cyclophosphamide treatment has resulted in only temporary and mild amelioration of symptoms.

Patients with ALS may benefit from riluzole, a glutamate antagonist medication that modestly prolongs tracheostomy-free survival. Techniques that aim to elucidate altered pathways of gene expression (ie, gene chip technology) or protein expression (proteomics) may give clues to ALS pathogenesis in animal models. These may also expedite the identification of abnormal pathway-modifying pharmaceutical agents.


  • In the US: Taking into account the most comprehensive studies (by Kurtzke), the frequency is approximately 5 cases per 100,000 population.


  • ALS leads to death within a decade. In most cases, death occurs within 5 years.
  • Some patients with familial, juvenile-onset ALS have been reported to survive for longer periods (2-3 decades).

Race: In the United States, ALS affects whites more often than nonwhites; the white-to-nonwhite ratio is 1.6:1.

Sex: The ratio of ALS-affected males to females is 1.5:1.

Age: Onset occurs in the fourth to seventh decades of life. However, exceptions to this do exist.

Medical Care:
  • Medical care in ALS is primarily palliative.
  • Patients should be involved in regular exercise and a physical therapy program.
  • Medications such as baclofen and tizanidine may be used to relieve severe spasticity.
  • Riluzone is an FDA-approved medication for prolonging tracheostomy-free survival.

Surgical Care:

  • Early consideration for elective tracheostomy should be considered in patients with early signs of respiratory difficulty.
  • Home health aides can be helpful in managing secretions and feeding.
  • Computerized aids for writing and communication also can be helpful.


  • Surgeon or gastroenterologist - To perform elective tracheostomy or G-tube placement
  • Pulmonologist and respiratory therapist - For ventilator assistance and management of intercurrent infections and tracheostomy
  • Physical and respiratory therapists - To enhance muscle function and manage spasticity
  • Secretion management - For chest percussion therapy and suctioning


  • Evaluate swallowing to quantify any dysphagia.
  • Modify the patient's diet to prevent aspiration.
  • Consider a gastrostomy tube when patient cannot swallow fluids or soft foods.
Activity: No activity restriction is necessary. Patients should maintain a regular exercise regimen if the degree of weakness allows

Riluzole is the only medication that has shown treatment efficacy for ALS. That it prolongs tracheostomy-free survival compared to placebo has been shown in 2 randomized trials. No statistically significant difference in mortality rates was revealed at the end of these studies, however. In other clinical trials, creatine, human recombinant IGF-1, and ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) also have shown promise, but none are expected to lead to dramatic benefits.
Drug Category: Glutamate pathway antagonist -- Riluzole is thought to counteract the excitatory amino acid (glutaminergic) pathways, but its exact mechanism of action in ALS is unknown.
Drug Name
Riluzole (Rilutek) -- Benzothiazole agent that is well absorbed, with average oral bioavailability of 60% and mean elimination half-life of 12 h; steady state reached within 5 d with multiple dose administration; metabolism occurs in liver (P 450-dependent glucuronidation and hydroxylation); 6 major and a few minor metabolites produced.
Adult Dose50 mg PO bid
Pediatric DoseNot established
ContraindicationsDocumented hypersensitivity, liver disease with elevations in liver function tests
InteractionsMetabolized primarily by liver isoenzyme CYP1A2; other agents also metabolized via this enzymatic pathway (ie, theophylline, caffeine) may affect rate of elimination
Pregnancy C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been established.
PrecautionsUse caution in patients with concomitant liver or renal insufficiency
<Drug Category: Antispastic agents -- These agents relieve spasticity and muscle spasms in patients with symptoms of limb stiffness.
Drug Name
Baclofen (Lioresal) -- Metabolized in liver and excreted primarily in urine; not a DEA-controlled substance.
Adult Dose5 mg PO tid; not to exceed 80 mg/d
Pediatric DoseNot established
ContraindicationsDocumented hypersensitivity
InteractionsMay interact with alcohol, antipsychotics, MAOIs, narcotics, antipsychotics, tricyclic antidepressants, oral hypoglycemics, or insulin
Pregnancy C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been established.
PrecautionsUse with caution in patients with seizure disorder or impaired renal function; serious reactions include somnolence and stupor, cardiovascular collapse, seizures, and respiratory depression; common adverse effects include headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, slurred speech, rash, weight gain, pruritus, constipation, increased perspiration; exercise caution in prescribing to patients already experiencing such symptoms; excessive dosing may lead to weakness
Drug Name
Tizanidine (Zanaflex) -- Centrally acting muscle relaxant metabolized in liver and excreted in urine and feces; used in patients with predominantly UMN involvement; not a DEA-controlled substance.
Adult Dose4-8 mg PO q8h prn; not to exceed 36 mg/d
Pediatric DoseNot established
ContraindicationsDocumented hypersensitivity
InteractionsMay interact with alcohol (to increase somnolence, stupor) and oral contraceptives (to decrease its clearance); can increase hypotensive effects when administered concurrently with diuretics
Pregnancy A - Safe in pregnancy
PrecautionsUse with caution in elderly patients and in patients with impaired renal function; serious reactions include hallucinations, severe bradycardia, and liver toxicity; more common adverse effects include dryness of mouth, somnolence and sedation, dizziness, malaise, constipation, increased spasms, and hypotension

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Background: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a devastating disorder of the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord and the motor cranial nuclei that leads to progressive muscle weakness and atrophy. Although major recent advances have shed light on its etiology, the key mechanisms in both familial and sporadic ALS remain unknown. No cure is known. This article reviews the major breakthroughs in ALS research, the clinical aspects of the disease, and current therapeutic options. An outline of new and promising technology and its application to the understanding of ALS is presented.

Pathophysiology: ALS primarily involves anterior horn cells in the spinal cord and cranial motor nerves. Patients may have weakness of bulbar muscles or of single or multiple limb muscle groups. Presentation is not always bilateral or symmetrical. A predominantly bulbar form usually leads to more rapid deterioration and death. Limb weakness is predominantly distal. Weakness and atrophy of the intrinsic hand muscles are prominent. Weakness progresses to involve the forearms and shoulder girdle muscles and the lower extremities.

Involvement of both upper and lower motor neurons is characteristic. Patients develop variable hyperreflexia, clonus, spasticity, extensor plantar responses, and limb or tongue fasciculations. Wallerian degeneration of corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts may be demonstrated by MRI (high-intensity T2 lesions in frontal lobes) or in postmortem examination. Extraocular muscles and bladder and anal sphincter muscles typically are spared.

ALS rarely affects cognitive functions. Electromyogram (EMG) shows signs of diffuse denervation with generally preserved nerve conduction velocities. Although an inflammatory process may be present, new evidence points toward multiple mechanisms that promote neuronal cell death in the CNS as the underlying basis for ALS. The recent demonstration of superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) mutations in human familial ALS and in murine ALS models supports the view that oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and excitotoxicity pathways may be involved in the process of neuronal cell death.

A lack of trophic factor support has been hypothesized, as some authors have reported decreased insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in patients with ALS. Aberrant RNA processing in sporadic ALS is thought to lead to abnormal expression of glutamate transporter (EAAT2) variants in the spinal cord. Despite multiple searches for infectious causative agents, no definitive viral or bacterial etiology has been identified.

ALS can be part of a complex with parkinsonism and dementia (ALS/PDC complex). This variant can be seen in patients from southern Guam. An ALS-like motor neuron disease also can be seen as a paraneoplastic syndrome in patients with cancer.

The complexity of ALS pathogenesis is highlighted by the recent discovery that alsin, a molecule putatively involved in cell-signaling, may be affected in a subset of familial ALS cases.

Autoimmunity may play a role in ALS. T cells, activated microglia, and immunoglobulin G (IgG) within the spinal cord lesions may be the primary event that leads to tissue destruction. Supporting this hypothesis, IgG derived from ALS patient sera may affect the conductance of neuronal voltage-activated calcium channels and may induce an excessive release of glutamate from nerve endings. The presence of immune complex formation in spinal cords of patients with ALS also has been demonstrated.

The El Escorial World Federation of Neurology criteria are helpful in diagnosis. Careful clinical history-taking is essential in making the correct diagnosis. For instance, Lyme neuroborreliosis on rare occasions may mimic an ALS-like syndrome.

Intravenous cyclophosphamide treatment has resulted in only temporary and mild amelioration of symptoms.

Patients with ALS may benefit from riluzole, a glutamate antagonist medication that modestly prolongs tracheostomy-free survival. Techniques that aim to elucidate altered pathways of gene expression (ie, gene chip technology) or protein expression (proteomics) may give clues to ALS pathogenesis in animal models. These may also expedite the identification of abnormal pathway-modifying pharmaceutical agents.



Race: In the United States, ALS affects whites more often than nonwhites; the white-to-nonwhite ratio is 1.6:1.

Sex: The ratio of ALS-affected males to females is 1.5:1.

Age: Onset occurs in the fourth to seventh decades of life. However, exceptions to this do exist.

Medical Care:

Surgical Care:



Activity: No activity restriction is necessary. Patients should maintain a regular exercise regimen if the degree of weakness allows

Riluzole is the only medication that has shown treatment efficacy for ALS. That it prolongs tracheostomy-free survival compared to placebo has been shown in 2 randomized trials. No statistically significant difference in mortality rates was revealed at the end of these studies, however. In other clinical trials, creatine, human recombinant IGF-1, and ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) also have shown promise, but none are expected to lead to dramatic benefits.
Drug Category: Glutamate pathway antagonist -- Riluzole is thought to counteract the excitatory amino acid (glutaminergic) pathways, but its exact mechanism of action in ALS is unknown.
Drug Name
Riluzole (Rilutek) -- Benzothiazole agent that is well absorbed, with average oral bioavailability of 60% and mean elimination half-life of 12 h; steady state reached within 5 d with multiple dose administration; metabolism occurs in liver (P 450-dependent glucuronidation and hydroxylation); 6 major and a few minor metabolites produced.
Adult Dose50 mg PO bid
Pediatric DoseNot established
ContraindicationsDocumented hypersensitivity, liver disease with elevations in liver function tests
InteractionsMetabolized primarily by liver isoenzyme CYP1A2; other agents also metabolized via this enzymatic pathway (ie, theophylline, caffeine) may affect rate of elimination
Pregnancy C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been established.
PrecautionsUse caution in patients with concomitant liver or renal insufficiency
Drug Category: Antispastic agents -- These agents relieve spasticity and muscle spasms in patients with symptoms of limb stiffness.
Drug Name
Baclofen (Lioresal) -- Metabolized in liver and excreted primarily in urine; not a DEA-controlled substance.
Adult Dose5 mg PO tid; not to exceed 80 mg/d
Pediatric DoseNot established
ContraindicationsDocumented hypersensitivity
InteractionsMay interact with alcohol, antipsychotics, MAOIs, narcotics, antipsychotics, tricyclic antidepressants, oral hypoglycemics, or insulin
Pregnancy C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been established.
PrecautionsUse with caution in patients with seizure disorder or impaired renal function; serious reactions include somnolence and stupor, cardiovascular collapse, seizures, and respiratory depression; common adverse effects include headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, slurred speech, rash, weight gain, pruritus, constipation, increased perspiration; exercise caution in prescribing to patients already experiencing such symptoms; excessive dosing may lead to weakness
Drug Name
Tizanidine (Zanaflex) -- Centrally acting muscle relaxant metabolized in liver and excreted in urine and feces; used in patients with predominantly UMN involvement; not a DEA-controlled substance.
Adult Dose4-8 mg PO q8h prn; not to exceed 36 mg/d
Pediatric DoseNot established
ContraindicationsDocumented hypersensitivity
InteractionsMay interact with alcohol (to increase somnolence, stupor) and oral contraceptives (to decrease its clearance); can increase hypotensive effects when administered concurrently with diuretics
Pregnancy A - Safe in pregnancy
PrecautionsUse with caution in elderly patients and in patients with impaired renal function; serious reactions include hallucinations, severe bradycardia, and liver toxicity; more common adverse effects include dryness of mouth, somnolence and sedation, dizziness, malaise, constipation, increased spasms, and hypotension

Amyloid Angiopathy

Background: Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) refers to the deposition of b-amyloid in the media and adventitia of small- and mid-sized arteries (and less frequently, veins) of the cerebral cortex and the leptomeninges. It is a component of any disorder in which amyloid is deposited in the brain, and it is not associated with systemic amyloidosis. CAA has been recognized as one of the morphologic hallmarks of Alzheimer disease (AD), but it also is found often in the brains of elderly patients who are neurologically healthy. While often asymptomatic, CAA can present as intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), dementia, or transient neurologic events. ICH is the most consistent effect of CAA. Although the vast majority of cases are sporadic, 2 familial forms exist (ie, hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis [HCHWA]-Dutch type and HCHWA-Icelandic type).

Pathophysiology: Deposition of amyloid damages the media and adventitia of cortical and leptomeningeal vessels, leading to thickening of the basal membrane, stenosis of the vessel lumen, and fragmentation of the internal elastic lamina. This can result in fibrinoid necrosis and microaneurysm formation, predisposing to hemorrhage. Some evidence suggests that the amyloid is produced in the smooth muscle cells of the tunica media as a response to damage of the vessel wall (perhaps by arteriosclerosis or hypertension). Impaired elimination and accumulation of soluble and insoluble b-amyloid peptide may underlie the pathogenesis of CAA and may explain the link between CAA and AD.


  • In the US: The true incidence and prevalence are hard to specify, as definite CAA can be diagnosed only at postmortem. However, estimates can be made based on autopsy series and the incidence of lobar ICH. A series of 400 autopsies found evidence of CAA in the brains of 18.3% of men and 28% of women aged 40-90 years. In a series of 117 brains of patients with confirmed AD, 83% had evidence of CAA. The prevalence of CAA increases with advancing age; in some autopsy series it has been found in 5% of individuals in the seventh decade but in 50% of those older than 90 years.

Sex: Although CAA may be found more commonly in women than men at autopsy, the incidence of ICH is the same in women and men. Hemorrhage occurs at the same age in men and women.

Medical Care:
  • CAA is largely untreatable at this time.
  • The management of CAA-related ICH is identical to the standard management of ICH. Pay special attention to reversing anticoagulation, managing intracranial pressure, and preventing complications.
  • If coexisting vasculitis is found on angiography and brain biopsy, long-term treatment (up to 1 y) with steroids and cyclophosphamide is indicated.
  • A syndrome of subacute cognitive decline, seizures, and white matter changes on MRI with perivascular inflammatory changes on biopsy was recently described. Some patients improved clinically (but not to baseline) when given corticosteroids or cyclophosphamide.

Surgical Care:

  • Hematoma evacuation can be life saving when the hematoma causes significant mass effect and predisposes to herniation, particularly when there has been no response to medical management of increased intracranial pressure. The goal of therapy is to lower intracranial pressure.
    • No evidence is available from well-designed, randomized clinical trials that can help determine which patients benefit from evacuation of the hematoma. However, that the intervention should be considered in patients with intermediate-sized hematomas (20-60 cc) who have a progressive deterioration in their level of consciousness is agreed.
    • Surgery should be performed before coma develops.
    • Surgery is not beneficial for small or very large hematomas. Patients with small (<20>60 cc) and the patient is lethargic or comatose, the prognosis is poor despite surgical evacuation.
  • Early concerns about the safety of hematoma evacuation in patients with CAA-related ICH were unfounded. Several recent series have reported low rates of mortality and postoperative hematoma; surgical evacuation of the hematoma should be performed when clinically indicated.
    • No evidence supports the belief that evacuation leads to an increased rate of recurrence. A recent large series that evaluated 50 neurosurgical procedures in 37 patients with CAA-related ICH found a mortality rate of 11% and a 5% rate of postoperative hematoma that required intervention. Risk factors associated with an adverse postoperative outcome were age >75 years and the presence of a parietal hematoma.
    • Although transoperative oozing from the walls of the hematoma was a common occurrence, it could be controlled easily with an absorbable hemostat (eg, oxidized cellulose, gelatin sponge) or fibrin glue.
  • When determining whether evacuation of the hematoma is appropriate, consider the patient's cognitive status.


  • Neurosurgical consultation in cases of ICH
  • Neuropsychological assessment for cognitive impairment

Diet: No special diet

Activity: Activities should not be restricted. However, patients should avoid head trauma of any degree.

Ambulatory Electroencephalography (EEG)

Background Continuous cardiac monitoring was first described by Holter in 1962. The development of portable EEG recording proved more problematic than the Holter monitor because of the need for signal amplification and multichannel recording. A multichannel portable recorder was developed in the early 1970s. This technology was later adapted to EEG recording, and miniature preamplifiers that could be worn on the head were developed.

Early clinical investigations documented the ability of AEEG to record identifiable focal and generalized epileptiform activity. In 1982, Ives introduced a 16-channel AEEG that utilized signal multiplexing. The 16 channels allowed improved spatial resolution and localization but recorded discrete samples rather than continuous EEG. In 1983, a cassette tape AEEG system was introduced; it used off-head preamplifiers that had continuous 8-channel recording capability, real-time identification, and gain and filter adjustments.

In the past decade, computer technology has enabled portable recording of up to 36 channels with sampling rates of up to 400 Hz. Currently, numerous AEEG systems are available commercially.


Disk electrodes should be applied with collodion to ensure stability during the 24-hour recording period. Electrode gel may need to be reapplied by syringe beneath the electrodes.

The patient's scalp may be wrapped in gauze and the lead wires gathered and tacked to reduce traction on the electrodes. New batteries should be provided every 24 hours.

Calibration is recorded using a 50-µV square wave or pulse; each electrode should be tapped sequentially. This part of the recording should be reviewed while the patient is in the laboratory to verify the integrity of the system and the appropriate connection of electrode leads to the preamplifier.

Patients should be instructed to record activity in a diary. Documenting physiological artifacts, such as eye movements, chewing, speaking, and swallowing, is useful. Patients should not chew gum, which could produce prolonged artifact. In addition, they should not bathe with the device.

When the patient returns to the laboratory for removal of the device, the end of the recording should be reviewed to ensure that signal recording was maintained.

In the past, when utilizing 4- and 8-channel AEEG, montage design was of paramount importance in capturing and attempting to localize a suspected discharge. Because abnormalities were recorded most often in the anterior temporal regions and frequently in the frontal regions, montages were designed to optimize coverage of these regions and to maximize yield. With the newer digital 16- to 36-channel AEEG systems, standard EEG montages are adequate, since digital reformatting is always an option.

Because AEEG records a vast amount of data, scanning techniques are necessary to decrease review time. Cassette 8-channel systems allow scanning at speeds of 20, 40, and 60X. They also allow audio output monitoring. While perceiving isolated, single discharges may be difficult at these speeds, seizures are less likely to be missed because of longer onscreen time, recognition of rhythmic or evolving patterns, and rhythmic audio bursts (usually of declining frequency).

Review of a 24-hour digital study would be prohibitively time-consuming without the benefit of computer-aided analysis. Newer digital AEEG models reduce reviewing time by sampling (which has the risk of missing infrequent discharges) and with automated spike and seizure detection programs. Pioneered by Gotman, these computer techniques identify epileptiform discharges on the basis of changes in amplitude, frequency, and rhythmicity. Further refinements have reduced the incidence of false positives due to physiological artifacts and sleep patterns. Neural network modeling techniques may offer additional advantages in the future.

Because the AEEG is recorded outside of the controlled confines of the EEG laboratory and the patient performs customary daily activities, it is susceptible to a variety of physiological and environmental artifacts. Such artifacts may be difficult to recognize in AEEG, especially if using a limited number of channels. Artifacts from sustained blinking, chewing, or movement may obscure the underlying EEG. Additionally, rhythmic artifacts due to repetitive activities (eg, teeth brushing, scratching, or bicycle pedaling) may mimic seizure activity. Ideally, the patient diary will document these occurrences. Judicious use of filters, gain, and reformatting may further clarify these waveforms and assist in distinguishing seizure activity from artifact.

Electrographic seizures usually demonstrate evolution of amplitude and frequency, may spread to involve neighboring electrodes, and may be followed by postictal slowing or suppression. If doubt exists as to whether a discharge is artifactual or epileptic, a conservative interpretation should be made.

AEEG has several important clinical applications. Depending on the clinical suspicion, other diagnostic tests (eg, ambulatory cardiac monitor, polysomnogram, or inpatient video/EEG monitoring) may be more appropriate in a given situation.

Confirm clinical suspicion of epilepsy

A clinical suspicion of epilepsy can be confirmed by recording a seizure on AEEG. This is most likely to occur when the patient is experiencing daily or almost daily spells. Studies looking at the diagnostic yield of AEEG indicate that 6-15% of AEEGs record seizures. Higher yields have been reported from 16-channel AEEG with computer-assisted seizure detection than from older 4- or 8-channel systems without seizure-detection algorithms. A 2001 study by Tatum et al of 502 patients with computer-assisted 16-channel AEEG demonstrated that 8.5% of patients had a seizure during the recording period (mean, 28.5 h).

In patients with intractable epilepsy, AEEG has been used to localize seizure onset as part of presurgical evaluation. However, inpatient video/EEG monitoring remains the criterion standard for presurgical evaluation.

Evaluate interictal epileptiform activity

Detection of interictal epileptiform abnormalities in the absence of recorded seizures can provide supporting evidence for a clinical diagnosis of epilepsy. Studies have demonstrated that 34.9% of patients with known seizures had a positive AEEG, while 15.3% of 216 patients in whom the diagnosis of seizures was considered (ie, patients with episodic alterations of behavior, perception, sensation, or motor functioning) had interictal epileptiform abnormalities on 4-channel AEEG. When a 16-channel recorder was used, 38% of patients who were referred for AEEG had some type of epileptiform abnormality.

AEEG is highly specific; spikes were found on overnight AEEG in only 0.7% of asymptomatic adults without history of migraine or family history of epilepsy. In patients with a history of migraine headaches or a family history of epilepsy, the incidence of spikes on AEEG was 12.5% and 13.3%, respectively.

Some patients in whom epilepsy is suspected have a normal routine or sleep-deprived EEG. In these patients, AEEG can increase the chance of detecting an epileptiform abnormality. Of patients who have a prior normal or nondiagnostic routine EEG, 12-25% have epileptiform activity on AEEG.

A study comparing the usefulness of sleep-deprived EEG and computer-assisted 16-channel AEEG in patients with suspected epilepsy (but a nondiagnostic initial routine EEG) found that sleep-deprived EEG improved detection of epileptiform discharges by 24%, while AEEG improved detection by 33%. Of the 46 patients studied, 15% had actual seizures recorded on AEEG, while none had seizures during the sleep-deprived recording.

Document seizures of which patients are unaware

For a patient to have seizures and yet be unaware of them is not uncommon. Brief alterations of awareness occur in both absence and complex partial seizures. AEEG is helpful at identifying seizures that are unrecognized or unreported by the patient.

Absence seizures may be so brief that the patient is unaware of them. A study using AEEG to evaluate absence seizures in pediatric patients found that most paroxysms of generalized spike and wave discharges were asymptomatic.

Patients with complex partial epilepsy are often amnestic for their seizures. The sequelae of a nocturnal generalized convulsive seizure, if present at all, may be so subtle (eg, fatigue, muscle soreness) that the patient is unsure whether a seizure actually occurred.

A study of patients in an epilepsy-monitoring unit found that 63% of all seizures were unrecognized by the patients. This difficulty in identifying the occurrence of seizures impedes seizure diagnosis and assessment of treatment adequacy. Liporace et al found that the AEEGs of 3 patients (of 46) demonstrated seizures that were not designated as events by the patients. Tatum et al found that more than one third of AEEGs with ictal activity contained at least one seizure that was unreported by the patient. These studies demonstrate the utility of AEEG at capturing unsuspected events.

Evaluate response to therapy

A significant number of patients are unaware of their seizures, making their responses to treatment difficult to gauge. Patients with mental retardation or other forms of encephalopathy may be unable to report seizures accurately. In such cases, AEEG can have a significant impact on clinical management.

AEEG is particularly useful in quantitating response to the treatment of absence seizures. Untreated, they typically occur numerous times per day; adequate treatment usually normalizes the EEG.

Evaluate nocturnal or sleep-related events

Certain diagnoses are difficult to confirm using the typical 20-minute outpatient EEG. The interictal epileptiform discharges of benign rolandic epilepsy, for example, are highly activated by sleep and may not always be achieved adequately in a laboratory. Continuous spike and wave activity during slow-wave sleep is another entity that may demonstrate a relatively normal EEG during waking hours and a strikingly abnormal EEG during deep sleep. Because of its capacity to record an entire night of sleep, AEEG is invaluable in assessing these clinical situations. Another advantage is that children can be monitored at home.

If a nonepileptic sleep disorder is suspected, a polysomnogram is the preferred study because of the added information from monitoring electromyography (EMG), eye movements, ECG, and respiration.

The history may not differentiate clearly between a sleep disorder and epilepsy. AEEG may record frequent arousals (suggesting sleep apnea) or decreased rapid eye movements (REM) sleep latency (suggesting narcolepsy). In 500 patients who had AEEG, the study suggested narcolepsy in 6 patients, including 3 patients in whom narcolepsy had not been suspected.

Evaluate suspected pseudoseizures

Pseudoseizures, also known as psychogenic seizures or nonepileptic events, are clinical events in which patients perceive altered movement, emotion, sensation, or experience similar to those due to epilepsy but without an electrographic ictal correlate. They are surprisingly frequent, occurring in up to 20% of patients at epilepsy referral centers and in 5-20% of outpatient populations. Some patients have both pseudoseizures and epileptic seizures; coincident events occur in an estimated 10-60% of epilepsy patients.

AEEG can be a useful screening tool in identifying patients who have nonepileptic paroxysmal events. In one study, 36% of patients had event marker activations without associated electrographic changes.

Potential problems exist in using AEEG to definitively diagnose nonepileptic seizures. A 24-hour recording without associated video does not allow evaluation of clinical stereotypy, which is valuable when evaluating patients with unusual seizure manifestations and minimal EEG changes. Scalp EEG may not show electrographic ictal abnormality during some frontal lobe seizures or only subtle abnormalities that would be difficult to interpret without associated video. Kanner et al found that 25% of their group of 12 patients with supplementary motor seizures demonstrated no electrographic ictal pattern during seizures.

Seizures and nonepileptic seizures may be associated with movement and muscle artifact that may obscure the underlying EEG. While AEEG may be a useful initial screening tool for nonepileptic events, inpatient video/EEG monitoring remains the criterion standard in evaluating nonepileptic seizures.

Evaluate syncope

AEEG may be helpful in evaluating syncope or near syncope if an ECG lead replaces 1 of the EEG channels. If cardiogenic syncope is suspected, a Holter monitor or prolonged cardiac event monitor may be more useful clinically. While arrhythmias have been diagnosed with continuous ambulatory EEG/ECG recording, a study of epileptiform abnormalities in AEEG found that only 1 of 67 patients with syncope, near syncope, or episodic dizziness had an epileptiform abnormality.

Future applications

Seizure anticipation methods are under development to identify EEG changes prior to seizure onset, allowing ongoing assessment of the probability of seizure occurrence. With further characterization of EEG changes in the preictal state, future AEEG recording may be coupled with a seizure anticipation device, providing a time window for therapeutic intervention to prevent a seizure.

Alzheimer Disease in Individuals With Down Syndrome

Background: Alzheimer disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia. It is a progressive degenerative disease of the brain, strongly associated with advanced age. However, it should not be considered a part of the normal aging process. AD is characterized by a relentless progression of symptoms associated with defined neuropathologic changes.

Individuals with trisomy 21, or Down syndrome (DS), develop a clinical syndrome of dementia that has the same clinical and neuropathologic characteristics of AD as described in individuals without DS. The only difference is the early age of onset of AD in individuals with DS. These patients present with clinical symptoms in their late 40s or early 50s.

Pathophysiology: The reason AD is more frequent in individuals with DS is not known. All recognized mutations and some risk factors (age, head trauma) for AD are associated with increased production of amyloid beta. Amyloid beta-42, a neurotoxic fragment of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), is released when APP is catabolized. This accumulation results in selective and progressive loss of neurons due to poorly understood mechanisms. The hippocampus, amygdala, and mesotemporal regions are affected most frequently, followed by other neocortical areas.

Cells that produce neurotransmitters in the nucleus basalis of Meynert (acetylcholine), locus ceruleus (epinephrine), and midbrain raphe nuclei (serotonin) also are affected. This is consistent with the clinical presentation. This process involves a certain degree of asymmetry, which explains the protean clinical characteristics. Individuals with greater frontal and temporal lobe damage may experience increased agitation and psychiatric disorders. Individuals with greater damage in the left hemisphere may experience language disturbances. Neuronal death is followed by disease of related neurons, probably due to lack of neurotrophic factors. A certain degree of neuronal plasticity provides a limited balance, keeping the individual functioning at a normal level for a period of time, although the disease process is active.

A complementary hypothesis suggests that different thresholds exist for the presentation of clinical symptoms, depending on the cognitive reserve of the individual. Greater brain weight, larger number of neurons, and higher educational level may increase cognitive reserve.

ased on these 2 interrelated hypotheses, DS individuals develop symptoms earlier in life because of their increased production of amyloid beta-42 and their smaller cognitive reserve.


  • In the US: Several studies document that most if not all individuals with DS develop AD. This is unrelated to the degree of mental retardation; AD is not more prominent in individuals with mental retardation from other causes. Due to better clinical management, most persons with DS now reach the age of 40 years. Thus, the frequency of AD is likely to increase.

    he percentage of people with DS and AD varies in some of the epidemiologic studies presented. A review of these studies showed that 10-25% of patients had AD when aged 40-49 years, 20-50% had AD when aged 50-59 years, and 60-75% had AD when older than 60 years.

  • Internationally: No particular geographic distribution exists. A similar clinical picture has been described in other countries.

Mortality/Morbidity: The disease is responsible for the sharp decline in survival in DS patients older than 45 years.

Race: No documentation exists that race influences prevalence.

Sex: Few studies have evaluated the influence of sex, and some of the results are contradictory. For example, sex was not associated with earlier onset in some studies, while other studies found that women were at increased risk of earlier onset than men. Some earlier conclusions are presented below.

  • Women with DS who are aged 40-65 years are at a higher risk for AD than men with DS who are of comparable age.
  • Women with DS and menopause at age 46 years or younger had earlier onset and increased risk of AD than those with menopause after age 46 years.


  • Age and the presence of trisomy 21 are the most important factors in disease development.
  • The neuropathologic findings related to AD have been described in all DS individuals older than 35 years.
  • Early clinical signs and symptoms are observed at the end of the fifth decade to the beginning of the sixth decade of life. Mean age at the time of clinical diagnosis is 51 ± 6 years.
Medical Care: The following medications have been used or found to be useful in AD. Only one (donepezil) was evaluated in individuals with DS.
  • Cholinesterase inhibitors - Tacrine, donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine.
  • Antioxidants - Alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) and selegiline
  • Estrogen replacement therapy
  • NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors
  • N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonists (NMDA)

Surgical Care:

  • Some patients may require placement of a feeding tube.
  • Some patients may need a tracheostomy.


  • Consult a neurologist and/or gerontologist for diagnosis, advice, and follow-up care.
  • Consult rehabilitation specialists.
  • In advanced stages, consult an ethics specialist regarding decisions for resuscitation and/or hospice care.


  • No particular diet is required. As the disease progresses, dysphagia may become a prominent feature and changes in food texture usually are recommended. A dietitian's help may be needed at this stage.
  • n advanced stages, limited intake may be associated with severe weight loss. At this point, consider a feeding tube.
Activity: A good comprehensive plan for individuals with AD should include a variety of physical and social activities.


The following medications have been recommended or used in individuals with AD. The cholinesterase inhibitor donepezil is the only drug investigated in individuals with DS. A few studies in persons with DS and AD have reported that donepezil slowed down the progression of the disorder and/or improved the condition somewhat. Some studies reported adverse effects, such as urinary incontinence; however, other studies found tolerance to be very good.
Drug Category: Cholinesterase inhibitors -- The nucleus basalis of Meynert degenerates in AD, leading to a deficiency in CAT that results in deficient production of ACh in the cerebral cortex. This cholinergic deficiency is associated with behavioral changes, mainly memory dysfunction, observed in AD. Inhibitors of AChE, the enzyme that metabolizes ACh, may improve symptoms of AD. These drugs do not have clinically significant drug-drug interactions. These drugs can exacerbate stomach ulcers, asthma, and cardiac arrhythmias.
Drug Name
Tacrine (Cognex) -- Indicated in early stages of dementia; centrally acting, reversible cholinesterase inhibitor that slows degradation of ACh produced by remaining cholinergic neurons; these effects in turn increase ACh concentrations in cerebral cortex.
Use is very limited because of adverse effects.
Adult Dose10 mg PO qid; increase by 40 mg/d with adjustments q6wk; not to exceed 160 mg/d
Pediatric DoseDisease state not seen in children
ContraindicationsDocumented hypersensitivity; history of jaundice (>3 mg/dL bilirubin) associated with tacrine
InteractionsInhibits hepatic microsomal enzyme CYP450 and potentiates theophylline and cimetidine effects; increases toxicity of cholinesterase inhibitors, succinylcholine, or cholinergic agonists; antagonized by cigarette smoke; concomitant administration of NSAIDs may cause GI bleeding
Pregnancy C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been established.
PrecautionsCaution in bladder outlet obstruction, sick sinus syndrome, cardiovascular disease, peptic ulcer, and asthma; increased serum transaminases may occur
Drug Name
Donepezil (Aricept) -- Noncompetitively inhibits centrally active AChE, which in turn may increase concentrations of ACh available for synaptic transmission in CNS; indicated in mild forms of AD.
The only drug with clinical trials in persons with DS.
Adult DoseInitially 5 mg/d PO hs; may increase up to 10 mg qhs after 4-6 wk
Pediatric DoseDisease state not seen in children
ContraindicationsDocumented hypersensitivity
InteractionsAgents that affect CYP450, CYP2D6, and CYP3A4 enzymes may affect rate of elimination; antagonizes anticholinergic medications; effects of succinylcholine, cholinesterase inhibitors, or cholinergic agonists are increased when administered concurrently; monitor for GI bleeding when using concomitantly with NSAIDs
Pregnancy C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been established.
PrecautionsCaution in sick sinus syndrome, other supraventricular cardiac conduction disorders, or asthma
Drug Name
Rivastigmine (Exelon) -- Indicated in mild-to-moderate dementia. Competitive and reversible inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase. While mechanism of action unknown, may reversibly inhibit cholinesterase, which may in turn increase concentrations of ACh available for synaptic transmission in CNS and enhance cholinergic function. Effect may lessen as disease process advances and fewer cholinergic neurons remain functionally intact. There is no evidence that acetylcholinesterase inhibitors alter the course of underlying dementia.
Adult DoseInitially 1.5 mg bid; if tolerated, increase by 1.5 mg bid q2wk; usual range, 6-12 mg; not to exceed 12 mg/d; take with meals
Pediatric DoseDisease state not seen in children
ContraindicationsDocumented hypersensitivity
InteractionsMay reduce effects of anticholinergics; increases effects of cholinergic agonists and neuromuscular blockers; risk of bradycardia increases when administered concurrently with beta-blockers without ISA, calcium channel blockers diltiazem or verapamil, or digoxin
Pregnancy B - Usually safe but benefits must outweigh the risks.
PrecautionsMay cause significant nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and weight loss (occurs frequently during titration phase, and in women); if significant adverse effects occur, patient should discontinue treatment for several doses, then restart at same or next lower dose; if treatment stopped for several days, initiate treatment at lowest daily dose; caution in history of peptic ulcer disease, concurrent NSAID use, sick sinus syndrome, urinary obstruction, pulmonary conditions such as COPD or asthma, and bradycardia or supraventricular conduction conditions
Drug Name
Galantamine (Reminyl) -- Indicated in AD. Recent studies showed some benefits in vascular dementia and vascular dementia combined with AD.
Adult DoseInitially, 4 mg bid for 1 mo; if well tolerated, increase by 4 mg bid qmo; not to exceed 12 mg bid; take with meals
Pediatric DoseDisease state not seen in children
ContraindicationsDocumented hypersensitivity; severe renal dysfunction (ie, <10>
InteractionsCoadministration with other cholinesterase inhibitors (eg, succinylcholine) may increase toxicity; CYP450-2D6 or -3A4 inhibitors (eg, cimetidine, ketoconazole, ritonavir, paroxetine, erythromycin) may decrease elimination and increase serum levels
Pregnancy B - Usually safe but benefits must outweigh the risks.
PrecautionsDecrease dose in moderate renal insufficiency or moderate-to-severe hepatic impairment; caution in asthma; may cause bradycardia or AV block; syncope may occur with doses >24 mg/d; cholinergic adverse effects are dose related
Drug Category: Anti-Parkinson agents -- These agents increase availability of dopamine and extend its duration of action.
Drug Name
Selegiline (Eldepryl) -- An irreversible MAOI that has been used experimentally in treating AD; acts as a "suicide" substrate for the enzyme where MAO converts it to an active moiety that combines irreversibly with active site or enzyme's essential FAD cofactor; blocks breakdown of dopamine; in parkinsonism, extends duration of action from each dose of L-dopa; often allows for L-dopa dose reduction; because of greater affinity for type B than for type A active sites, can serve as a selective inhibitor of MAO type B at recommended dose; however, at doses >10 mg/d, significant MAO-A inhibition may occur; no evidence that additional benefit is obtained from doses >10 mg/d.
A large double-blind placebo-control study failed to showed any benefit in slowing the progression of the disease.
No studies in DS have been reported.
Adult DoseInitially 5 mg PO qd, increased gradually up to 10 mg/d
Pediatric DoseDisease state not seen in children
ContraindicationsConcomitant use of opioids (eg, meperidine); concurrent administration of SSRIs; antidepressants can probably be used, although concerns exist regarding rare interactions
InteractionsAt least 3-5 wk should lapse between discontinuation of fluoxetine and initiation of MAOIs to prevent fatal interactions that have been reported with MAO type A inhibitors; in general, avoid administering MAOIs concomitantly with opioids; severe agitation, hallucinations, and death have occurred with concomitant administration with meperidine
Pregnancy C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been established.
PrecautionsAdverse effects include nausea, dizziness, and syncope
Drug Category: Antioxidants -- Free radicals, which may damage cell membranes and tissues, are natural byproducts of metabolic processes, especially oxidative metabolism. Eliminating free radicals is hypothesized to prevent neuronal damage.
Drug Name
Alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E, Vita-Plus E, E-Complex-600) -- Protects polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes from attack by free radicals.
No studies published using vitamin E in DS. One study involving persons with DS is in progress.
A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with 2000 IU of vitamin E suggested that vitamin E delayed admission to nursing home, functional decline, and death but did not affect cognitive decline in persons with moderate-to-severe AD.
Vitamin E 2000 IU/d is considered standard therapy for persons with AD; however, a government panel recommended a lower dose of no more than 1000 IU because of the possibility of coagulation disorders.
Adult Dose2000 IU PO qd has been used in the treatment of AD (daily requirement is 10-30 mg/d)
Pediatric DoseDisease state not seen in children
ContraindicationsDocumented hypersensitivity
InteractionsIncreases effect of PO anticoagulants; mineral oil decreases absorption when used concomitantly; delays absorption of iron
Pregnancy A - Safe in pregnancy
PrecautionsMay induce vitamin K deficiency; large doses have been associated with necrotizing enterocolitis
Drug Category: N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonists -- Newest class of agents indicated for AD. May be used alone or combined with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. Glutamate stimulates 70% of excitatory synapses. The dysfunction of this excitatory system may result in continuous excitation in the neurons and may result in neuronal damage and death. This excitatory neuronal death may be related to the stimulation of the glutamate receptor N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA). Blocking this receptor may prevent the excitatory damage that results from excessive glutamate release.
Drug Name
Memantine (Namenda, Axura) -- Indicated for moderate-to-severe Alzheimer disease. NNMDA antagonist. NMDA receptor stimulation in the CNS by glutamate (an excitatory amino acid) is hypothesized to contribute to Alzheimer symptoms.
Adult Dose5 mg PO qd initially; gradually titrate to a 20-mg/d target dose using following dosage regimen (allow >1 wk between each dosage increase): 5 mg PO bid; then, 5 mg PO every am and 10 mg PO every pm; then, 10 mg PO bid
Pediatric DoseDisease state not seen in children
ContraindicationsDocumented hypersensitivity
InteractionsCoadministration with drugs causing alkaline urine (eg, sodium bicarbonate, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors) may decrease clearance by 80%; thus, accumulation and toxicity may occur; coadministration with other NMDA antagonists (eg, amantadine, ketamine, dextromethorphan) may increase toxicity risk; concurrent use with other drugs renally eliminated via tubular secretion (eg, hydrochlorothiazide, triamterene, cimetidine, ranitidine, quinidine, nicotine) may alter plasma levels of either drug
Pregnancy B - Usually safe but benefits must outweigh the risks.
PrecautionsCommon adverse effects include dizziness (7%), headache (6%), and constipation (5%); predominantly excreted renally; no data support use in severe renal impairment

Alzheimer Disease

Background: Alzheimer disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia, which is an acquired cognitive and behavioral impairment of sufficient severity to markedly interfere with social and occupational functioning.

AD affects approximately 5 million people in the United States and more than 30 million people worldwide. A larger number of individuals have decreased levels of cognitive impairment (eg, minimal cognitive impairment), which frequently evolves into a full-blown dementia, thereby increasing the number of affected persons. The prevalence of AD is expected to substantially increase in this century because it preferentially affects the elderly, who constitute the fastest growing age group in many, especially industrialized, countries. Statistical projections indicate that the number of persons affected by the disorder in the United States will nearly triple by the year 2050.

AD is also a major public health problem from the economic perspective. In the United States, the cost of caring for patients with AD was more than $110 billion per year in the early 1990s, and the average yearly cost per patient is about $45,000. Because methods for assessing the economic effects of neurodegenerative disorders are still in their infancy, these figures must be interpreted as underestimates.

Many excellent treatises on AD have reviewed important aspects of the disorder in considerable detail. This article is intended to be a comprehensive but not necessarily exhaustive review of AD.

Pathophysiology: The anatomic pathology of AD includes neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs); senile plaques (SPs) at the microscopic level; and cerebrocortical atrophy, which predominantly involves the association regions and particularly the medial aspect of the temporal lobe. In his original report on the disorder, Alois Alzheimer described the co-occurrence of NFTs and SPs, which is now universally accepted as a hallmark of the disease.

Although NFTs and SPs are characteristic of AD, they are not pathognomonic. In fact many other neurodegenerative conditions distinct from AD are characterized by NFTs (eg, progressive supranuclear palsy, dementia pugilistica) or SPs (eg, normal aging). Therefore, the mere presence of these lesions is not sufficient to diagnose AD. These lesions must be present in sufficient numbers and in a characteristic topographic distribution to fulfill the current histopathologic criteria for AD.

In addition to NFTs and SPs, many other lesions of AD have been recognized since Alzheimer's original papers were published. These include (1) the granulovacuolar degeneration of Shimkowicz; (2) the neuropil threads of Braak et al; and (3) neuronal loss and synaptic degeneration, which are thought to ultimately mediate the cognitive and behavioral manifestations of the disorder.

Some authorities believed that NFTs, when present in low densities and essentially confined to the hippocampus, were part of normal aging. However, the histologic stages for AD that Braak et al formulated includes an early stage in which a low density of NFTs is present in the entorhinal and perirhinal (ie, transentorhinal) cortices. Therefore, even small numbers of NFTs in these areas of the medial temporal lobe should be considered abnormal. The issue of whether these early changes should be considered part of minimal cognitive impairment (Kuljis, 1997) or the early stages of AD instead remains to be settled experimentally.

In contrast, the presence of even low numbers of NFTs in the cerebral neocortex is considered abnormal and indicates AD if associated with SPs in that location, with a specific topographic pattern. Granulovacuolar degeneration occurs almost exclusively in the hippocampus and has received less attention than neuropil threads, which are an array of dystrophic neurites diffusely distributed in the cortical neuropil, more or less independently of plaques and tangles. This lesion suggests neuropil alterations beyond those merely due to NFTs and SPs and indicates an even more widespread insult to the cortical circuitry than that visualized by studying only plaques and tangles.

Despite the wide distribution of these lesions in the cerebral cortex, the increasing consensus is that most patients with AD have a relatively consistent topographic pattern. NFTs are initially and most densely distributed in the medial aspect and in the pole of the temporal lobe; they affect the entorhinal cortex and the hippocampus most severely. As AD progresses, NFTs accumulate in most other cortical regions, beginning in high-order association regions and less frequently in the primary motor and sensory regions. SPs also accumulate primarily in association cortices and in the hippocampus. Plaques and tangles have relatively discrete and stereotypical patterns of laminar distribution in the cerebral cortex, which indicate predominant involvement of corticocortical connections, as many investigators have observed.

According to this formulation, the pathophysiologic mechanism underlying the clinical manifestations of AD is corticocortical disconnection due to the loss of medium-sized pyramidal neurons effecting such connections. However, multiple lines of evidence suggest that several classes of local circuit neurons are selectively lost throughout the cerebral cortex as well; these data demonstrate that the corticocortical disconnection is not the only alteration in cortical circuitry that mediates the symptoms of AD.



  • Second to only certain cancers and cardiovascular disease, AD is frequently considered a leading cause of death in the United States.

Race: Some claim that AD affects certain ethnic and racial groups more severely than others, but more study is needed before reliable statements about racial predilections can be made.

Sex: AD affects both men and women. Many studies indicate that the risk of AD is significantly higher in women than in men. Some authorities have postulated that this difference is due to the loss of the neurotrophic effect of estrogen in postmenopausal women. Other factors may also influence this relative difference.

Age: The prevalence of AD increases with age.

Medical Care: Therapeutic approaches to AD are based on developing theories of its pathogenesis and on the need to alleviate its cognitive and behavioral manifestations. The predominantly symptomatic approach preceded, by many decades, the more recent interventions based on our improving understanding of the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of AD.

To date, no interventions have been shown to convincingly prevent AD or slow its progression. Medical treatments for AD include psychotropic medications and behavioral interventions, cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) and the avoidance of centrally acting anticholinergic medications, N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonists, and other and new therapeutic interventions.

  • Psychotropic medications and behavioral interventions
    • A variety of behavioral and pharmacologic interventions can temporarily alleviate clinical manifestations of AD, such as anxiety, agitation, depression, and psychotic behavior, which are best approached symptomatically. These interventions are useful in managing AD, though their effectiveness is often modest and temporary, and they do not prevent the eventual deterioration of the patient's condition.
    • Behavioral interventions range from patient-centered approaches to caregiver training to help manage cognitive and behavioral manifestations of AD. These interventions are often combined with the more widely used pharmacologic interventions, such as anxiolytics for anxiety and agitation, neuroleptics for aberrant and/or socially disruptive behavior, and antidepressants or mood stabilizers for mood disorders and specific manifestations (eg, episodes of anger or rage).
    • No specific agent or dose of individual agents is unanimously accepted for the wide array of clinical manifestations. At present, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved any agent for the treatment of AD. However, medications that many practitioners prefer are haloperidol, risperidone, olanzapine, and (more recently) quetiapine. The general recommendation is to use such agents as infrequently as possible and at the lowest doses possible to minimize adverse effects, particularly in frail, elderly patients.
    • Particular concern has been raised about the potential for dopamine-depleting agents to aggravate the manifestations of dementia with cortical Lewy bodies (DCLB), also known as Lewy body dementia (LBD), because patients with DCLB may be extremely sensitive to these agents. Adverse reactions to conventional neuroleptics have fueled the search for new agents that alleviate disruptive behavior while minimizing the occurrence of extrapyramidal manifestations and worsening of motor and behavioral performance, which is frequently observed in DCLB. This is the basis for the recent trend to use new-generation agents to alleviate the behavioral manifestations of AD, with therapy usually extending into the more advanced stages of the disorder.
    • Results of several studies indicate that anticonvulsants (eg, gabapentin) may have a role in the treatment of behavioral problems in patients with AD.
  • Cholinesterase inhibitors
    • A strategy widely used to address the symptoms of AD is palliating the deficiency in cholinergic innervation to the cerebral cortex. Numerous lines of evidence indicate that the corticipetal cholinergic system is targeted relatively early and more or less selectively in AD. For over 2 decades, AD has been characterized by substantial loss of acetylcholine (ACh) in the cerebral cortex, progressive decline in cortical levels of choline acetyltransferase (biosynthetic enzyme necessary for the synthesis of ACh), and severe loss of neurons in the subcortical cholinergic nuclei that project to the cerebral neocortex (ie, basal nucleus of Meynert) and hippocampus (ie, medial septal nuclei).
    • These observations have led to the theory that some of the clinical manifestations of AD are due to loss of the cholinergic innervation to the cerebral cortex. In turn, this theory led to development of an increasing number of compounds capable of palliating the cholinergic defect by interfering with the degradation of ACh by acetylcholinesterase (AChE), the synaptic, or specific, form of cholinesterase. More recent compounds include substances capable of blocking the nonsynaptic, or nonspecific, cholinesterases; these are frequently called butyrylcholinesterases (BuChEs).
    • An often neglected aspect of palliation of cholinergic deficits is the avoidance of centrally acting anticholinergic medications. Patients not uncommonly receive both ChEIs and anticholinergic agents, which negate or at least counteracting the effects of the former. Therefore, a careful listing of the patient's medications is important to reduce the doses of, or ideally eliminate, all centrally acting anticholinergic agents.
  • N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonists: A relatively new category of drugs, NMDA antagonists, is based on an entirely different mechanism of action. Memantine is the first NMDA antagonist approved in the United States. This agent is approved for treating the advanced stages of AD, in contrast with ChEIs, which are approved for only the early and intermediate stages. Of interest, memantine may also be helpful in other neurodegenerative conditions, such as Huntington disease, AIDS-related dementia, and vascular dementia.
  • Antidepressants: The role of antidepressants in the treatment of mood disorders, and especially depression, cannot be overemphasized. Depression is observed in more than 30% of patients with AD, and it frequently begins before AD is clinically diagnosed. Therefore, palliation of this frequent comorbid condition can considerably improve their cognitive and noncognitive performance. Other mood modulators, such as valproic acid, can be helpful for the treatment of disruptive behaviors and outbursts of anger, which patients with moderately advanced or advanced stages of AD may have.
  • Other and new therapeutic interventions: Other agents proposed for the treatment of AD and new drugs being developed are free-radical scavengers, and estrogen- or selective estrogen-receptor agonists, anti-inflammatories, and clioquinoline and other drugs.
    • The proposal that oxidative stress causes AD and evidence suggesting that estrogen has a trophic effect on certain neuronal populations that is lost after menopause were the bases for previous recommendations to give high doses of tocopherol (1000 IU PO bid) to all patients and estrogen replacement therapy to postmenopausal women with AD. Federal and institutional policies do not mandate use of these agents; their common use reflects the widespread belief that they may be beneficial. Because findings show that estrogen supplementation may be associated with cognitive impairment and that high-dose tocopherol may cause adverse cardiovascular events, the entire body of evidence is being re-evaluated, and few (if any) now recommend these treatments. Results to date indicate that patients with clinical dementia do not benefit from estrogen replacement therapy.
    • An additional treatment, the use of anti-inflammatory agents, is based on the postulation that inflammation is needed for many AD lesions, especially SPs, to develop and progress through the theoretical stages of increasing severity. This theory has received considerable support, and many studies purportedly show improvement or a lack of progression of the manifestations of AD over relatively short periods of anti-inflammatory therapy. No present recommendations require the use of anti-inflammatories in AD; results of large-scale trials still underway have not been published.
    • New drugs under development include clioquinoline, an antibiotic that may help reduce brain amyloid deposition in patients with AD. Other, unrelated compounds under development and are also expected to reduce or eliminate cerebral amyloid deposition and possibly NFTs.

Surgical Care: No accepted surgical treatments exist for AD. One unconfirmed postulate was that omental transposition to the brain may be beneficial in AD, but most experts remain highly skeptical of this claim. Potential surgical treatments in the future may include the use of devices to infuse neurotrophic factors, such as growth factors, to palliate AD. Studies are also underway to evaluate a claim that ventriculoperitoneal shunting of CSF may be beneficial in AD.

Diet: No special dietary considerations exist for AD.


  • Both physical and mental activities are recommended for patients with AD. Many experts recommend mentally challenging activities, such as doing crossword puzzles and brainteasers, both to prevent deterioration and to slow its rate.
    • The mental activities should be kept within a reasonable level of difficulty for the patient, they should preferably be interactive, and they should be designed to allow the patient to recognize and correct mistakes.
    • Most important, these activities should be administered in a manner that does not cause excessive frustration and that ideally motivates the patient to engage in them frequently.
    • Unfortunately, little standardization and rigorous testing has been done to validate this treatment modality.
Some investigators have attempted various forms of cognitive retraining, also known as cognitive rehabilitation. The results of this approach remain controversial, and a substantial experimental study must still be performed to determine if it is useful in AD.

The mainstay of therapy is the use of centrally acting cholinesterase inhibitors to palliate the depletion of ACh in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Because the clinical manifestations of AD are believed to be partly due to a loss of the cholinergic innervation to the cerebral cortex, compounds have been developed to palliate the cholinergic defect by interfering with the degradation of ACh by AChE, the synaptic (or specific) form of cholinesterase. Some of the more recently available compounds are substances that inhibit also the nonsynaptic (or nonspecific) cholinesterases, which are frequently called BuChE.

AChE inhibitors approved by the FDA for use in the early and intermediate stages of AD are tacrine (Cognex), donepezil (Aricept), rivastigmine (Exelon), and galantamine (galanthamine, Reminyl). Among these, only tacrine and rivastigmine also inhibit BuChE. This may be important for their therapeutic efficacy because BuChE levels increase during the course of AD and are present in some AD lesions, including senile plaques. At present, tacrine, is used seldom if at all because it has been superseded by the other 3. To date, the ChEIs is the only class of drugs that has been formally approved for use in AD.

An increasing number of clinical studies demonstrate that cholinesterase inhibition can have modest but detectable effects, such as improvement in cognitive performance, as measured by tools such as the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale (ADAS-cog). More recent evidence indicates that ChEIs may also alleviate the noncognitive manifestations of AD. For example, they can ameliorate behavioral manifestations, as assessed by using tools such as the Neuropsychiatric Inventory, and they may improve the performance of activities of daily living, as evaluated by using the Progressive Deterioration Scale.

In general, the benefits are temporary because ChEIs do not address the underlying cause of the degeneration of cholinergic neurons, which continues during the disease. Although the increasingly large family of ChEIs was originally expected to help in only the early and intermediate stages of AD, results indicate that (1) they improve cognitive performance in advanced stages; (2) they significantly improve behavioral manifestations (eg, wandering, agitation, socially inappropriate behavior associated with advanced stages); and (3) they help in patients with presumed vascular components added to dementia due to AD, as well as in patients with the DLB, which often co-occurs or overlaps with AD (Lewy body variant of AD).

Therefore, the modest benefits of ChEIs seem to extend beyond the low-level cognitive impairment in the early stages of AD. This phenomenon has not been fully explained. Interesting speculations, which remain to be tested experimentally, include the possibility that some of the newly recognized benefits in advanced behavioral and cognitive performance may be associated with the inhibition of BuChE, in addition to AChE, a characteristic of only some ChEIs currently in use.

The ChEIs share a common profile of adverse effects, the most frequent of which are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and dizziness. These are typically dose related and can be mitigated with slow uptitration to the desired maintenance dose. Use of drugs whose absorption peaks are blunted by food (eg, rivastigmine) can further mitigate adverse effects and improve the tolerability of ChEI treatment.

It may be reasonable to perform serial trials of different individual ChEIs when effectiveness of 1 medication decreases or if adverse effects are not tolerable. A new agent in this class should be tapered up when one switches among ChEIs, with the understanding that cognition and/or behavior may temporarily worsen during this period. No current evidence supports the use of more than 1 ChEI at a time. Another important clinical caveat is that, once a ChEI is started, it should be continued indefinitely. Stopping the medication may precipitate an acute, and possibly severe, cognitive and behavioral decline that may not be resolved by restarting the ChEI. The cause for this potentially catastrophic decline is not known.

Drug Category: Centrally acting AChE inhibitors -- These agents are used to palliate cholinergic deficiency.
Drug Name
Rivastigmine (Exelon) -- Centrally acting AChE and BuChE inhibitor.
Adult Dose1.5 mg PO bid for 1 mo, 3 mg PO bid for 1 mo, 4.5 mg PO for 1 mo, then 6 mg PO bid thereafter
Pediatric DoseNot established
ContraindicationsDocumented hypersensitivity
InteractionsNone reported; metabolized by cholinesterases (no significant hepatic metabolism)
Pregnancy C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been established.
PrecautionsAdminister with large meals to minimize adverse effects; titrate up slowly
Drug Name
Donepezil (Aricept) -- Centrally acting AchE but not BuChE inhibitor
Adult Dose5 mg PO qd for 3-4 wk, the 10 mg PO qd
Pediatric DoseNot established
ContraindicationsDocumented hypersensitivity; sick sinus syndrome, other supraventricular cardiac conduction abnormalities; peptic ulcer disease; bladder outflow obstruction
InteractionsIncreases effects of succinylcholine, ChEIs, or cholinergic agonists; may increase fluvoxamine levels
Pregnancy C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been established.
PrecautionsCaution in patients with seizures, asthma, sick sinus syndrome, or other supraventricular conduction abnormalities
Drug Name
Galantamine (Reminyl) -- Enhances central cholinergic function; likely to inhibit AChE.
Adult Dose16-24 mg PO qd bid
Pediatric DoseNot established
ContraindicationsDocumented hypersensitivity
InteractionsCan interfere with effect of anticholinergics; synergistic effect if given with other ChEIs, succinylcholine, or other neuromuscular blocking agents
Pregnancy B - Usually safe but benefits must outweigh the risks.
PrecautionsMost frequent adverse events are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, and weight loss; dose titration needed in patients with hepatic and/or renal dysfunction; can cause bladder outflow obstruction; prescribe with care in patients with lung disease; could potentiate tendency for seizures
Drug Category: NMDA antagonists -- The newest class of agents indicated for the treatment of AD. As of October 2003, the only approved drug in this class is memantine. These agents may be used alone or combined with AChE inhibitors. Most believe that combination therapy offers superior benefits compared with results of either category of agent alone.
Drug Name
Memantine (Namenda, Axura) -- NMDA antagonist indicated for all stages of AD. NMDA-receptor overstimulation in CNS by glutamate (excitatory amino acid) may contribute to symptoms; no evidence confirms glutamatergic deficit in AD.
Adult Dose5 mg PO qd, gradually titrate to 20-mg/d target dose as follows (allow >1 wk between increases): 5 mg PO bid, 5 mg PO q am, 10 mg PO q pm, 10 mg PO bid
Pediatric DoseNot indicated
ContraindicationsDocumented hypersensitivity
InteractionsCoadministration with drugs causing alkaline urine (eg, sodium bicarbonate, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors) may decrease clearance by 80%, leading to accumulation and toxicity; coadministration with other NMDA antagonists (eg, amantadine, ketamine, dextromethorphan) may increase toxicity; concurrent use with another drug eliminated via renal tubular secretion (eg, hydrochlorothiazide, triamterene, cimetidine, ranitidine, quinidine, nicotine) may alter plasma levels of both
Pregnancy B - Usually safe but benefits must outweigh the risks.
PrecautionsCommon adverse effects are dizziness (7%), headache (6%), and constipation (5%); predominantly excreted renally, no data support use in severe renal impairment
span >Drug Category: Free-radical scavengers -- These agents are used to palliate postulated oxidative damage as a cause or contributor to AD. Recent results indicate that high-dose tocopherol supplementation increases risk of adverse cardiovascular outcomes. Therefore, use of these agents is not currently recommended, and most practitioners have abandoned their use.
Drug Name
Tocopherol (Vitamin E) -- Nutritional supplement with antioxidant properties
Adult Dose1000 IU PO bid
Pediatric DoseNot established
ContraindicationsDocumented hypersensitivity
InteractionsIncreases hypoprothrombinemic response to oral anticoagulants
Pregnancy X - Contraindicated in pregnancy
PrecautionsMay cause fatigue, headaches, and blurred vision